Saturday, December 21, 2013

Zapin Dance in Okayama

Assalamualaikum and hi all ^^
First of all, I want to yell out loud; IT IS FINALLY OUR TIME TO SHINE!!! I bet you guys would not even understand what I am talking about. I should have story first, Silly me ><

         Here in Okayama, we have an exchange event with other foreign students. Malaysians students also joined this program, and we had to make 1 presentation, mainly about Malaysia. So I decided with my friends, let’s do a presentation on Malaysia’s well known dance ^^. Well guys, I am not even trying to blow my trumpet, but I would like to say that our dance training wasn’t effortless. We trained like hell, and we presented like hell. Ahha >< Well, only a few members joined, 3 person from Okayama University of Science, and 2 from Okayama University. Ever heard of ZAPIN DANCE? A traditional dance from Johor, the one and only dance that I am capable to dance and teach. So here is the video. Sit back, relax and enjoy. It’s not much but we can assure, everyone who went and see our dance, really becoming to admire MALAYSIA even more ^^